Thursday, January 28, 2010

Visit to Senegal

This past week, I had the opportunity to visit "the mainland" by attending a West African Networking Conference in Dakar, Senegal. The US Embassy sponsored this event, which brought together education professionals from around the region (Cape Verde, Mali, Mauritania, Cameroon, Guinea, Togo, Burkina Faso and Niger) to brainstorm ways to create & build teacher associations. The Cape Verdean delegation was made up of myself, Levindo Nascimento and Zita Vieira (both pictured below). We were definitely the lightest-skinned ones there (and the only Portuguese speakers). The city of Dakar is much bigger/more crowded than Praia, and a bit overwhelming. The food was great, though. Our Senegalese hosts also took us for a tour of Goree Island, a former transit point for African slaves before they were shipped to America. Very interesting. Other highlights included: a reception at the US Ambassador's residence and strolling through the handicraft market.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Democracy Day

Today, January 13th, is a national holiday in Cape Verde. To celebrate the founding of democracy in the nation, residents walk 4kms through the streets of Praia. Below are a few photos of the scenes we passed along the way...(The entire US Embassy staff was in attendance. Peace Corps volunteer, Alan Tudor, is pictured with me here).